6 Best Smart Shopping Tips For Girls

Summer is often considered the time that you will spend your money the most. The rising trend for shopping, long trips or rising bill costs make it easy to fall into the situation of “money comes money goes” in the blink of an eye. So how to spend your money effectively? Try the Timo tips below to make your summer more complete!

1. Hunt the sale properly

Summer is the season when brands are racing to launch a “sale off” program, it is very appealing to shopaholics. This is the most expected shopping time for women. However, the “big” sale, rampant with attractive prices make you easier to fall into the trap of inventory, old goods without quality.

hunt for sale

Quality is the top concern when you hunt for sale. (Photo: shutterstock)

To avoid wasting money on single-use items, you should make a list of items to buy to avoid losing momentum and consider carefully before taking home. Also, you should consult the review of the store before deciding where to “hunt sales” instead of buying goods in bulk. Try to compare prices between shops for the items, it helps you find the item that fits the right price.

2. Choose where to buy

Choose where to buy

Smart shopping is when the customers choose the right destination!

Choosing where to shop is also a way to save money even when it is not the sale season! For example, at the outlet you can enjoy the price less than 1/3 of the original price or shopping in shopping paradise like Korea, Thailand, Singapore … You can take advantage of the opportunity to travel while “buying” thing.

On the other hand, you can choose to buy online at discounted prices. Specifically, some banks will have preferential policies for customers when using the services of chain stores, restaurants, hotels, spas, resorts, … associated with the card opening bank. In addition, online shopping also gives you time to carefully consider the item before clicking to buy, avoiding the situation of innocent purchases and wasting money in vain.

3. Do not shop when you feel stressed

shopping planning

Planning helps you to be confident in your financial decisions.

People often spread the word shopping for “cure” stress effectively. However, shopping when you are not in a good mood is the reason that makes you run out of money the fastest because the sensitive time will make you generous and ready to spend money on unnecessary items. Instead, you can plan to save yourself to “relieve” stress effectively by a long vacation in the summer. If you are still wondering where to start, Term Deposit will help you. Just a few simple steps you have right in your hand a term savings account. In addition, unlimited target feature will allow you to comfortably split the amount of savings and convenient withdrawal when needed. Not only can you save a large amount of money, but you will also enjoy an attractive 6% interest rate balance, which will give you a great deal of freedom to spend.

4. Selecting multifunctional goods

multifunctional goods

Multifunctional appliances not only simplify the living space, but also greatly reduce your costs.

Smart, multi-functional appliances are always a great choice for your home. Just save the area of ​​the house, while minimizing the cost of shopping is nothing. Try shaking hands from your kitchen, remove the glassy items but replace them with versatile tools such as “all-in-one” knives that can be cut, trimmed, planed, opened, … profit. Brands often give words to items that stimulate consumption, so you need to be alert to choose the items you really need and prioritize using more than two functions.

5. Liquidation in time!

Liquidation of clothes

Liquidation of clothes is a way to help you “get rich” with money.

Shopping and liquidating at the right time will help you have a decent pocket money! For unused items, instead of leaving them unattended until they break out or break down, you can resell them to those who really need them. This method has just thrown away the leftovers in the house to help you have “capital” for the next purchase.

6. Know when is the time for selling

In order for these shopping tips to work best, you need to classify your spending in the first place and decide which financial issues need to be prioritized first. If you live far from home, it is obvious that you need to spend the most money on renting accommodation. If you are a housewife, you neef to spend your money on daily activities first.

You should also have a budget that is right for you, depending on your priority. Review and evaluate your budget, it will keep your spending within the limits and help you adjust and improve your budget more appropriately next month. Give you a hand, Timo has combined the Spend Account with the Goal Save feature that allows you to create your own spending budget and plan the most effective shopping.


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